Monday, April 20, 2009

The morning fog

After an extremely foggy ride home from work I struck gold! I took the scenic route back to the house and I could not believe the activity along Turkey Hill Rd. Hawks (Northern Harrier), Turkey Vultures, Geese, Red Wing Black Birds….It was like the entire road was alive, but guess what I didn’t have with me? That’s right, my camera! So I maintained a lawful speed, continued home and retrieved my DSLR.

So after a quick change I returned to the locations and to my amazement one of the Northern Harriers was still around.  I also had to snap a picture of this young sapling reflecting in the swamp. I thought it looked cool posted upside down...



  1. your story reminds me of my hiking trip this weekend. i did one lap around snapping all sorts of photos. then i decided i wanted to jog the next lap so I put my camera back in my car, and what do you know, halfway through my jog I saw these big vultures flying around low. i wanted to get a pic...but i was too lazy to go back to my car. and oh...that sapling pic is so pretty. it does not even look real!

  2. Thanks! The sapling photo inspired me to go back to that location when. I actually found three beaver homes too when I came across this swap. I'm going to buy some waders this week while we are on vacation.
    See what I can catch from off shore.:)
