Sunday, May 3, 2009

So what do you do out there?

So what do you do out there? You know when you go into the wilderness to take pictures.
I guess the best way to answer that is to say I talk to God. When I find myself overstressed, overextended $$ by modern day life and frustration reaches its peak, I turn to God. Of course if you know me, I have to spend a better part of that time asking him to forgive me for my sins. It’s important to remember we all fall down and to take a line from one of my favorite movies “its how we get back up that defines us.” Those words are so true and if you take them to heart they can be a powerful inspiration for change in your life.God always seems to find ways to remind me that what we do in this world and how we walk through it affects everything. It’s kind of like dropping a pebble in a pond; the ripples extend far beyond the impact.

WOW, what’s all this you’re saying McCrillis? Have you gone all Christian crazy on us?
No, but I do realize for me there is more to life than just being a secular human being.
Don’t get me wrong I do respect the fact that everyone has the right to their beliefs or put even better there inalienable rights (natural rights). I just chose to believe in a kind living God.
I pray that those of us who do believe learn to pray first and realize our time is not the same as His and maybe then and only then we could finally understand that faith is all we need. I’m not here to shove God down anyone’s throat all I can do is share my experiences and thoughts; shake the sand out of my shoes and move on.

~ Gods love for us is the same on our best day and our worst.

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