Wednesday, September 2, 2009

I'll take your Jesus if the pay off is right

It has been a busy month with work and life in general! It always seems like things happen all at once doesn't it? I guess that's where the saying you have to take the good with the bad comes from.

Not that the weather has helped with any ones attitude either. I mean really, do any of you remember a worse summer? The weather was terrible and the sun stayed captured behind the thickest clouds I have ever seen. We tried everything to keep the kids busy and from losing our minds. Lea and I even started playing a video game call wizard 101. It helped with those wet wind driven days and we had fun doing something together since the game encourages team work.

Now school has started and I can't help but be a little frustrated that summer went by so quickly. Seems like I blinked my eyes and it was over! Lea had her first day of 3rd grade yesterday and she seems to be OK with it and Logan will have his first day tomorrow. This should make for an interesting school year with the both of them in school. I thought it was really interesting to find words from our pledge of allegiance on the back of Logan's school it gave me a little hope for the year to come and hope that some how, some way our country will bounce back from this economic down turn. We are one of those families stuck in the middle of all this. Meaning I make too much for a government hand out and hardly make enough to pay the bills. So all we have is literally hope and faith that it will all work out.
Its all gonna come... martial strife, tensions on the team, sickness, and pain don't think it strange when it comes. If you walk with Him you should not only believe, but you should also remember you "will" suffer. See you all on the Calvary road.

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